3DLNCH05.ZIP 15,285 07-15-96 Launcher - Run your external MAPS. Selectone, then press ENTER and have fun !Serial game supported. Modem gamesupported. Network soon!
3DMISSON.ZIP 4,009 07-11-96 Mission Impossible v1.0. COBUG Dukematchmap for the registered DN3D.
4_SOME.ZIP 2,675 08-03-96 Four Some (DukeMatch).
ACHES_1.ZIP 7,721 08-03-96 Great deathmatch level for those who aretired of one person controlling the levelfor about 20 frags. Lots of nice tripwire bombs to put in some very specialplaces (I like to put them across the
AJR_CITY.ZIP 57,739 08-18-96 Subway level.
ALIENCTY.ZIP 16,479 09-25-96 Alien Bastard City (Single Player).
ALLEN.ZIP 16,842 08-18-96 New level built from scratch.
AMBUSH1.ZIP 9,500 08-18-96 Ambush.
AMBUSHED.ZIP 8,016 08-03-96 Ambushed.
ANSLEM.ZIP 65,151 08-03-96 ANSLEM is an imposing structure in anenclosed outdoor area. Strange combinationof a castle and a library, yet it isneither actually. Fully takes advantage ofsingle play mode, but is also an excellentdeathmatch experience.
AREA51.ZIP 50,899 07-15-96 Area 51 (Single Player)
ARMYCAMP.ZIP 9,647 08-03-96 Army Camp (Single Player, DukeMatch).
KYTHOUSE.ZIP 21,082 07-05-96 Kytty's house (DukeMatch)
LAID_OFF.ZIP 21,667 01-01-97 Laid-Off.
LASHER.ZIP 3,458 07-08-96 Lasher (DukeMatch)
LENHOUSE.ZIP 24,691 07-16-96 DukeMatch level.
LIBRARY1.ZIP 11,354 08-03-96 The Library.
LILCTY.ZIP 8,056 08-18-96 Little City (DukeMatch).
LOVELANE.ZIP 19,631 08-18-96 DukeMatch level.
LURKER1.ZIP 5,354 07-16-96 Lurker.
MAP02.ZIP 10,199 08-18-96 Copy of Doom II Level 2.
MAPS10.ZIP 18,607 07-11-96 Maps v1.0. Now you can start your .MAP,.RTS, .CON in DukeNukem with theconfiguration that you want. This programmanages the files and parameters of thegame for you, much faster than usingSETUP.EXE or command line parameters.
METACITY.ZIP 694,407 07-16-96 Deathmatch map with some new textures.
REKALL.ZIP 14,183 08-03-96 Rekall - Surprise, you're stuck on Marswith only some select weaponry, and yourstuck with your other enemies--more secretagents trying to be you! Kill them all,and plunge deep into the mines to
STREETD.ZIP 16,870 07-26-96 Street of Doom (Dukematch).
SUBCITY1.ZIP 24,261 09-16-96 SubCity: Subway/cityscape DukeMatch levelthat sets new standards in realism andsize for Duke Nukem 3D maps. Exploreworking cinemas, shopping malls, hugesubway systems, apartment blocks and more.
SUPERCON.ZIP 9,997 07-28-96 Super user.con file for Duke Nukem 3D, itis both help and fun to play with.
SWAMP.ZIP 11,463 07-08-96 The Swamp (DukeMatch)
THEDEEP1.ZIP 7,156 07-01-96 The Deep - fixed sky texture and added afew weapons and more ammo.
THELIMIT.ZIP 11,777 08-03-96 DukeMatch level.
THE_IS.ZIP 21,154 08-03-96 DukeMatch level.
THE_KEEP.ZIP 48,898 07-05-96 DukeMatch level
TRIDETH.ZIP 5,597 07-09-96 DukeMatch level
UBFAQ.ZIP 9,123 07-07-96 FAQ for the Duke Nukem Build Editor.